Meeting the needs of Ohio’s
Long-term Care Professionals since 1946

Safety Information
We want You to be SAFE while Attending the Convention . . .

When Leaving home . . .


  • Keep a list at home of the important credit cards and identi?cation you plan to take with you. It’s hard to count on your memory if they are lost.
  • Carry with you the name, address, and phone number of an individual to contact in case of accident. Be sure to carry a card describing any medical difficulties such as diabetes or allergies to any drugs.
  • Take as little cash as possible. Carry traveler’s checks and credit cards to cover expenses.
  • Don’t display large amounts of cash when paying for taxis or tips.
  • Don’t leave luggage unattended. Keep it in full view at all times. If your hotel room is not ready when you check in, use the luggage check-in service at the bellcaptain’s desk.


When Checking in . . .

  • Use the hotel vault safe deposit service, provided to all registered guests, for jewelry and valuables. Just ask at the front desk.
  • Be careful what you say in the presence of strangers. Never reveal your room number or discuss plans for leaving the hotel in a crowded area where you can be overheard.
  • Turn in your room key at the front desk when you leave the hotel. This way you will avoid losing it.
  • Ask at the front desk or concierge desk about the neighborhood around the hotel so you know what streets to avoid.
    • Don’t leave money or jewelry in your hotel room, even for a short time. Remember, thieves know all the same hiding places you do.
    • Don’t put your room key down beside you on a restaurant table, bar, or at poolside. You may ?nd your room robbed while you are enjoying yourself.
    • Don’t reveal your room number within earshot of unfamiliar people (on an elevator or in a restaurant).


      When Staying in the Hotel . . .

      • Use your peephole to identify callers before letting them in. If you don’t have a peephole, put on the chain and open the door to see who is there.
      • Call the front desk before letting in anyone claiming to be a maintenance or TV repair person. Find out if the claim is legitimate before opening the door.
      • Use every locking device on your door (the night bolt, deadbolt, etc.) when you are in your room.
      • Check all areas of your room (bath, closet, etc.) before letting the bell person go.
      • Stand near the elevator control panel. If accosted, push all the buttons.
      • Exit before the door closes if a suspicious person joins you in the elevator.
      • Look into the elevator carefully before you enter. If you are uncertain of any occupant, wait for the next elevator.
      • Look down the corridor carefully for suspicious activity before leaving the elevator.
      • Put all valuables in the safe deposit box at the front desk.
      • Check carefully to ?nd where ?re exits are located. Remember the red exit sign may not be visible if there is a ?re. Walk from your room to the exit so you are sure how far away it is. Count the number of steps and open the exit door to see what is beyond it.
        • Don’t automatically open your room door if someone knocks. Make sure you know who your callers are before you let them in.
        • Don’t leave your room door ajar if you are going down the hall for ice. Someone might go in while you aren’t looking.
        • Don’t enter your room if the door is ajar. Call security to go in with you. Make sure the security guard checks all places in the room where someone could be hiding.
        • Don’t open your room door if someone is following you down the hall. Let the individual go before you put the key in the lock.


          When Going Out . . .

          • Ride, rather than walk, particularly at night. If the streets around the hotel are deserted, as they are inmany major cities, take a taxi or shuttle bus, even if your destination is “within easy walking distance.”
          • Avoid unlit driveways and other shadowed places. If necessary, walk in the middle of the street until you reach a better lighted street.
          • Walk with another person when sight-seeing or shopping, particularly at night.
          • Carry your wallet in your inside coat pocket if you area man. Your rear trouser pocket is an easy target for pickpockets.
          • Carry your wallet in a coat pocket rather than your purse if you are a woman. Leave valuables at home. If you must carry a purse, ?rmly clasp the top of the purse so a pickpocket cannot reach in.
          • Be wary of strangers. Never accompany a stranger anywhere.
          • Remain alert at all times, especially in crowded areas. Thieves often operate in pairs. One may bump you while the other is picking your pocket.
          • Avoid shortcuts and walkways between buildings during the day and at night.
          • Beware of people who approach you on the street asking for directions. Keep a polite but safe distance.
            • Don’t loiter. Remain alert if window shopping. Be prepared to run if followed. If accosted by someone in a car, run in the opposite direction the car is going.
            • Don’t wear your badge or carry your convention material with you outside the hotel. Obvious conventioneers are prime targets for thieves. Try to look as though you belong.
            • Don’t take unmarked, “gypsy” taxis or accept a ride from anyone you don’t know, even if the person claims to be attending your meeting.


            When Driving Around . . .

            • Make sure you have enough gas.
            • Keep your car doors locked when driving and keep the windows rolled up to within two to three inches of the top.
            • Park only in lighted areas at night.
            • Look inside your car before entering. An intruder may be crouching on the ?oor.
            • If your car breaks down, remain inside with the doors and windows locked. If possible, raise the hood. Open the door only for the police or road service personnel. If anyone else approaches you offering help, politely decline the offer.
            • Pull over to a well-lighted curbside and blow your horn to attract attention if you are being followed by another car.
            • Don’t leave attractive packages, luggage, clothes, purses, cameras, or other valuables in view. Lock them in the trunk.
            • Don’t transfer items to the trunk at the location where you are parking the car. A thief may be watching.
            • Don’t ask directions from strangers. Instead, drive to a well-lighted gas station.
            • Don’t pick up hitchhikers . . . ever.
            • Don’t turn over your car keys or your idling car in a parking lot until you are sure the individual is a legitimate employee.

            With Support from OHCA Champion Partners