Meeting the needs of Ohio’s
Long-term Care Professionals since 1946

About OHCA Assisted Living

Assisted living is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the long-term care profession. That growth has brought lawmakers, advocacy groups, and the media interest. To convey the assisted living message fully and accurately, the Ohio Health Care Association represents this essential part of the long-term services and supports continuum.

OHCA has been a leader in assisted living development in Ohio and was the first organization to represent assisted living providers statewide. OHCA Assisted Living is a natural outgrowth of those early efforts, combining the strength of OHCA's solid reputation, experienced staff, and government relations expertise with a singular focus on assisted living growth and development.

OHCA's objectives relative to assisted living are twofold. First, we strive to ensure that senior Ohio residents have access to quality assisted living services and the means to acquire those services. Second and equally important, we try to create an environment that affords assisted living providers ready access to available resources and opportunities for advancement.

OHCA's assisted living members believe that consumer preferences and internal quality improvement programs are the best industry regulators and that government rules and regulations should not stifle individual initiative. To date, government involvement in the assisted living industry has been minimal. However, that situation is changing rapidly as state and federal agencies have begun examining licensing, regulation, and funding issues more closely. OHCA expects their attention and scrutiny to increase as the assisted living industry grows.

At the Ohio Health Care Association, we strive to provide leadership, governmental support, and continuous professional education so our assisted living members can grow and achieve the highest quality and value for the individuals they serve.

With Support from OHCA Champion Partners