Meeting the needs of Ohio’s
Long-term Care Professionals since 1946


CEAL® Prior Approval
About CEAL® Prior Approval
The purpose of the CEAL® Prior Approval Program is to recognize continuing education (CE) providers that have met the CEAL® education standards and guidelines. The CEAL® prior approval process is completely voluntary and is initiated by the program sponsor/coordinator requesting approval and is intended for organizations interested in providing continuing education (CE) hours to CEAL® credential holders.

Benefits of Prior Approval Program Recognition
Assisted living providers recognize prior approved programs as meeting CEAL® standards and requirements for continuing education. As a result, prior approved programs are viewed with high regard and respect in the profession. Participants will recognize a high-quality program rich in content and delivers the objective of learning to enhance and improve their careers and professional development.

Marketing Opportunities
• Use the CEAL® approval in your marketing and other activities promoting your approved program
• Confirmed number of CE hours
• Ease of submission of CE hours for attendees

1. The application fee is $50 per program.
2. To be eligible for pre-approval, an activity must be open to the public.
3. To be eligible for prior approval, your submission must include learning objectives and the speaker’s biography.
4. To be eligible for prior approval, an activity longer than three (3) hours must include a detailed agenda.
5. To be eligible for prior approval, an activity must contribute to an attendee’s assisted living management knowledge. We do not approve an activity that does not apply to the assisted living setting. The application must include a statement detailing how the program is appropriate for the assisted living setting.
6. For distance learning programs, the submission must include your organization’s process for recording and monitoring an attendee’s participation. Programs are valid for up to a calendar year. CEAL® credential holders may obtain unlimited distance learning credits for their renewal.

The program must meet one or more of the teaching methodologies indicated below:

• Live meeting — face-to-face seminar, meeting, or workshop
• Audio seminar/webinar—seminar or webinar administered via phone and/or Internet
• Web-based education
• Online courses that are self-paced or live

Before we approve the program, you must limit the language on marketing materials to the following:
“This program has been submitted for Certified Executive for Assisted Living® (CEAL®) for review.”

Should the program be approved, the following language can be used in marketing materials:
“The Certified Executive has reviewed this educational offering for Assisted Living (CEAL®).
CEAL® s can utilize up to ____ hours of continuing education credit for their renewal.”

Click here for the application.

With Support from OHCA Champion Partners