Elevating the Post-Acute and
Long Term Care Profession

Workers Comp Managed Care Organization (MCO) Open Enrollment Now Underway

Make Your Selection Before May 27th

Every two years, the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation holds an Open Enrollment period for the selection of a MCO. CompManagement Health Systems (CHS) is a Champion Partner of OHCA and is the MCO we confidently recommend to our members. Along with CompManagement, our third party administrator, CHS has made a major contribution to the benefits we offer members through our Group Rating and Group Retro Programs. CHS’ consistent and reliable performance in our group programs validates our confidence. 

What does an MCO do?

The most important role of an MCO is the medical management of workers’ compensation claims. MCOs are tasked to engage all parties - injured employee, physician and employer – to facilitate the earliest return to work that is safe for the employee. Beyond any other criteria, an MCO’s value to an employer and injured employee is based in their involvement in negotiating a safe return-to-work. When employers realize that the handling of workplace injuries today will impact their premium costs for years to come, they look for a MCO that makes a difference. BWC evaluates the results of all MCOs in its MCO Report Card. The most important measurement is MoD (Measurement of Disability), which compares each MCO’s return-to-work results to established benchmarks. Review of this data shows that CHS is a consistent high-performer. In addition, CHS reduced medical bills by more than 18 percent beyond BWC fee schedule for its clients in 2015.*

What are the options?

There are 15 MCOs in Ohio, and the Open Enrollment period (May 2 – May 27) is the only time during which MCOs are permitted to market their services to employers. It is important to retain an MCO partner that excels in resolving claims, and is also easily available to work through complicated issues when they arise. If you are already with CHS as your managed care organization, you do not need to do anything to retain CHS through Open Enrollment.

Why choose CHS?

One key statistic that demonstrates CHS’ strong performance and commitment to service is their client retention. CHS’ retention of clients was the highest among all MCOs in the last Open Enrollment, and their growth over the past three open enrollments is more than double the second highest net gain. For more information on CHS and their service to Ohio employers, click here.

You can also contact CHS directly by calling Mike Stadtmiller at 1-888-247-7799, ext. 65488, or by emailing at stadtmim@chsmco.com.

If you wish to choose CHS as your MCO, click here.

*CHS Medical Savings Report, 4/6/16, covering all bills paid in 2015.

With Support from OHCA Champion Partners